Friday, June 3, 2011

small stuff

Have you ever really stopped what you're doing and look around the room or outside and really breathe in the air? I was running some errands today and the beautiful sun was shining all day, I looked up and there were blue skies & thought "Lord the sky is still blue for my hope is in You, You're my joy" I looked around there were green everywhere and some flowers. Then I thought "God makes everything beautiful on His time" that includes planning.... I learned in college that "while we're down here planning, God is up there laughing" Maybe He's laughing, maybe He's not but bottom line is we can plan, but sometimes things don't always go the way we want it. For me when things go wrong, I freak out. I cry. I become anxious and stressed. Once I can let go of that thought and think of His word it calms me. "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." ~ Deuteronomy 31:8   Wow. I read that verse and memorize it many times and each time has a new meaning to me. It's that peaceful feeling knowing I'm okay in the palm of His hands no matter where I go He's there. He's there during the storms, He's there during the happy times and He's there during the scary times. Most of all, He's there through the littlest things in life: a sunrise, sunset, a worship song on the radio that touches your heart and next thing you know you're praising Him in the car, the verse you're reading that day, the people you meet throughout the day. I used to always say "I know God is here, but sometimes I wish He was here with skin!" Ironically, that's why He provides us people in our lives. Life isn't about materials or things it's about relationships with people and having a relationship with Jesus. The more I seek Him everyday the more I'm falling in love with my Savior and not sweating the small stuff that makes me anxious.  :o)  Happy Friday!

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