Saturday, June 18, 2011

Give yourself away...

"♥ give yourself the hands & feet of Jesus..go out & make a world of  difference let this be the day you see how far His love reaches... ♥" 

 this is one of the songs I have stuck in my head...when I read the lyrics it touches my heart and really sums up life.  Over the past few days I've found myself struggling between feeling frustrated and yet trying to be positive and trusting Jesus that He is in control of all situations. Every time I've felt frustrated I turn to worship music, reading His word, or focus on little things that remind me that Jesus is here. Through it all He's here.  Here are some things that I've encountered that gave me a different perspective. 

"Take my life let it be. Take my moments and my days let them flow endless praise. Take my voice and let it sing for You my King. Take my will and make it Yours. Take my love and pour it at Your feet." 

"Through the fog there is hope in the distance from cathedrals to 3rd world missions. Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave." 

"Because Michelle loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue her; I will protect her, for she acknowledges My name. She will call on me, and I will answer her; I will be with her in trouble, I will deliver her and honor her. With long life I will satisfy her and show her my salvation.” psalm 91:14-16

"Your heart matters more than anything else in all creations" ~ Captivating  
  this quote is interesting...our character, who we are as a person, reflects what is in our hearts. We never stop growing and it's a beautiful transformation in our Heavenly Father's eyes. 

and finally...I saw this picture after church tonight, a wonderful sermon on "Man up" accepting responsibility and Looking up to Him when we need strength. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech in life in faith and in purity. Fight the good fight in faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 4:12; 6:12    Reading this, I find amazing that more and more as I seek to get close to Christ and grow His love never fails. He calls us to Him, and instills different gifts in us so in the end we all become One with Him. 

I love the sky! This morning during my commute to work I saw the most beautiful sky God painted for me to see. colors were mixed of periwinkle, 2 different shades of blue (baby blue and royal blue) and the sun rising up from the other side. I so badly wanted to take a picture but that's illegal here! :o) Instead I captured the picture in my heart and thanked Jesus for such a beautiful image. While watching the sky change, I heard "Blessings" - Laura Story and "Blessed be the Name" play on the radio and praised Him for He is good! 

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