Sunday, June 5, 2011

Letter from my heart

Dear God,

Thank you for saving me. Thank you for sending Jesus, Your one & only Son, for being my future & hope for preparing me a place where I can live forever in peace & joy. Thank you for my undeserving grace for molding me to become the person you want me to be. Thank you for being bigger than I, knowing I cannot do it all, for putting me through everything; good and bad all because You love me. Thank you Jesus, for being my light during the dark times, the Truth in the midst of lies, my peace when my fear is surrounding me. I believe in You, the only One who can set me free from everything. Thank you for being my King and while I'm living in this temporary place, I ask that You lead and I follow. Most importantly, I can't wait to see Your shining face and dance with You! :o)


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