Thursday, October 20, 2011

Two words...

Prayer & Perspective.  Yup. My advice is  TRY IT,  it never fails, especially with such an amazing God we serve. I have just experienced an amazing crazy busy day yesterday at work but throughout the day remained in such a calm & confident attitude with a smile, truth in mind, & ability to put on an armor of God and conquer the day with the greatest weapon: Love. I started by praying the night before that I know in all situations Jesus is in control no matter what happens I trust Him. He never leaves us or forsakes us that is the truth. He loves us sooo much that is the truth. He is "kind, smart & important" and that is the truth.  

When I was told two of my co-workers were absent normally I would have all these anxious thoughts running "omg what do I do, how? I don't think i can I need to go home" nope. Nada. Not of it. Wasn't gonna have it. I kept on going throughout the day talking to God and singing praises and did the best I can.

Perspective is hard sometimes. We tend to easily feel the need to run away from a situation or throw  a pity party. Truth its, it happens & it's okay for a short time cuz that's being real, but it's how you look at it. When you realize the Truth, that you're beautiful, you're a shining light from above, you're in great Hands, that's surrendering and believing He is the Truth. He is gentle. He doesn't lie. and I'm happy to call him my Best, Friend, Jesus. 

that evening, I've encountered something from the past that God has delivered me from. I didn't go with my feelings this time. I trusted God to be there in the moment. I was quiet, said a few words and then reached out to my friends to help me pray for my heart. My heart not to get deceived by a man whose words may be lies. I wasn't gonna go down that road again, not when God has done so much for me to get out of it. Truth: we go through a series of tests in life and the enemy is there ready to rob the joy away, ready to lead you into temptation, tells you all sorts of things that seem out of the ordinary and lead you to sin.   In my amazement I prayed to God as I got into my car and on the way home 'Blessed be Your Name" came on the radio. My thought: Thank You Jesus for reminding me of Your love.  

It's now Thursday and I'm excited that this is has been a great week so far. In two of my bible studies this week, God has really showed me a lesson & was present in both times and it just blows my mind!  I learned about the term "unchangeable labels" those are labels that you call yourself, whether you're blind, deaf, diabetic, a widow.   Now some people choose to use that as  an excuse not to go through life. Others choose to use it as something positive.   Truth is: we were given unchangeable labels by God who has entrusted us to use it in our lives as a testimony and trust God and not our feelings.   

our flesh is so weak but our spirit is so much stronger. I sometimes think "I'm deaf, who's gonna love me?" Truth: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ~ Philippians 4:13   Trust the Lord, be brave & strong and trust the Lord ~ psalms 27:14    more importantly, I have the greatest Love I wouldn't trade it for the world.  He spend some 30 years on this place we call a temporary home, went through everything we humans go through, died on the Cross for all our sins (past present future) rose again in 3 days and now is in us in spirit because that's one of the promises He made. That my friends, is Jesus Christ who is the Great I am and nothing can get through the Father but through Him. ~ John 14:6

On a last note I'll leave you with a song: "The Desert Song"  ..."all of my life in every season You are still God I have a reason to sing.I have a reason to worship.I will bring praise I will bring praise no weapon formed against me shall remain.I will rejoice I will declare God is my victory & He is here. this is my prayer in the harvest where favor and providence flow I know I'm filled to be emptied again this seed I received I will sow...."

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