Thursday, October 13, 2011

Be faithful with little...

a very wise precious friend of mine, whom I call sunset buddy, once told me a few months ago "be faithful with little and much will be given"  she explained what that meant to me and I found in Luke 16:10 "whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with very much and whoever is dishonest with every little can be dishonest with much."

at this moment I should be in bed sleeping but I'm so excited on this topic that I have to share my heart.   

I'm so blessed to understand this verse because in almost everything I do when I feel anxious or get a thought that influences me to hold back to something I think "be faithful with little"...  whether it's going to church when i don't feel like it, going to work when i don't feel like it, going to bible study when I don't feel like it...

It almost reminds me of a phrase from a book I'm reading..... the phase goes "we serve a communicating God ~ a God of Words. He created, healed, encouraged, rebuked, guided, prophesied, assured, loved, served & comforted with a Word. This isn't the issue whether or not God is speaking, it's whether we have ears to hear what He says." 

At this point I'm super excited because it's like connecting the dots the big picture is God is speaking.....  He speaks through anything from dreams/visions to songs on the radio to people you meet or people you text/email....

in the end it is soooo worth it because truth is, our flesh is nothing.  our Spirit is worth so much more. when we die our flesh just crumbles and goes nowhere  whereas our spirit flies up to meet Jesus and that's the best place to be :-)

I was emailing a friend and was telling her about how I was dreading going to work tomorrow... I love what I do it's different than where I used to be but I was nervous about meeting/working with new patients I don't know because I've never done this kind of work before, and she reminded me "keep reminding yourself that you are the light of Jesus shining for them in their time of sickness" 

DEEP!!!!!    I actually learned today that the patient I had been working with who is blind, is now discharged from therapy which means I don't need to see her for therapy anymore. I was kind of sad because I enjoyed working with her while she couldn't see, I couldn't hear so we matched! :o)   I came in today to find one of the nursing aides to tell me that the patient was worried about me because I wasn't in yesterday.  I stopped by to see her today and told her I wasn't feeling well but that she was done with therapy and that I would try to stop in once a while to say hi. She was very happy to hear that and may I add this precious lady is 90 years old!!!! the little time I had with her was so fun a real blessing....  she actually told me the other that that she was glad I was working with her because I could understand what "normal people" couldn't.... and I basically went "yup and we can laugh about it right??? and laughed we went...    Thank You, Jesus, for just pouring your heart on mine to see what breaks yours and for helping me to become the person You want me to be. So that I may glorify you in everything I say & do and in the people I meet, short term or long.... 

Even just saying hi, or a smile or something sooo simple it really goes a long way because you truly never know what someone is going through during the day. People may fake a smile on the outside but in the inside they're hurting.   When you shine a light for Jesus, people see that or sense that and may feel Jesus too... He's everywhere, even when one should be faithful with little!!!

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