Sunday, September 11, 2011


I realize it has been a few months since I last wrote on this blog. Life became busy. Things happened. Since the last time I wrote, I dealt with two trips home to visit family, new job change, surgery, and my sister moved to CO.  It's hard to believe how much can happen in so little time, but then again it's a reminder of what I learned today at the Women's Retreat that God is in the details. Through it all He is in control. On my way home, I was thinking, soaking in all the stuff I learned this weekend. It was pretty deep, made my heart ache for the people who are brave souls to tell their stories yet at the end I left with a healing that I know I'll never be the same again. Before we left, we had to write inside a piece of paper that was given to us with Jesus on the front and a nail, one insecurity to give up and nail to the cross, actually physically do it. During my quiet time today, I learned that the scars of our lives are temporary. The pain and broken roads are temporary yet it also brings us closer to God. We have to face our pain in order to grow thus calling it "growing pains".  The scars are also a reminder of what Jesus scars represent, forgiveness, grace, dying for us. Yesterday throughout the day I kept thinking two phrases "healing and this is the promise I made."

When I wrote during my quiet time today, it was a love letter from my heart.
Precious Bride, the time has come a time of new beginnings, healing brings joy. Scars of your life is temporary. O child, I came for you, died for you. I was where you are now. I understand your pain. The aches the scars the anger the sadness the tears. I understand all for I am greater. No one can snatch them from My hand. My love remains for you, my daughter, the same yesterday today and tomorrow. My love has no fear. I do not give you a heart to fear.  I give you a heart to love. Consume My love and flourish like waterfall, sparkle like a shining star to one another, Love Jesus

Then i kept on writing:  

I am strong. I am beautiful. I am a princess of the King. I am accepted, a beloved Child. I have Christ's strength. I am chosen I am free. I am free to run like the wind. I am free to dance, dance with grace.  "My grace is sufficient for you. I am the Way Truth & Life. I am constantly molding you changing you my work in you, beautiful bride is not complete til I come back again. The pain may be deep but temporary a reminder of how much I love you. Do not worry little one for I have never left you. I am here. come to Me the time has come a time to heal. heal from worry. heal from pain.  You have been forgiven. Move forward with everything I have given you. "How high how wide no matter where I am healing is in Your hands how deep how strong now by Your grace I stand." I am your comforter your prince of peace your beginning your ending be fly little butterfly because you can can.

then inside the piece of paper we had to write one insecurity to give up..... immediately I felt it in my heart it was time... I wrote the one word that I've waited so long to write.... "anxiety"   I've given it up. No more spasms. I am free.    I nailed it to the cross to give to Jesus.  

Looking back, it made sense..  yesterday during a walk with a friend I hadn't seen in so long we chatted it up and I told her how I've grown in Christ because I haven't had the need to take anxiety medicine for a few months now. I'm relying on God to get me through to meet my needs. I listen to worship songs and the  words have special meaning now of who He is and I feel blessed cuz it's my gift to give back to Him when I sign to Him. so I saw that they were doing "lead me to the cross" and i felt I needed to sign that one. So i did.   at the end I cried so hard   that's when I just knew it was a break through.    To find today we had to give up the one thing to the cross...then on the way home I was thinking about what I learned and how God is in the details... I felt it on my heart to write this:

God is in the details look inside your life what do you see?
My Father who is strong & steady, steady as a tree
One life to live don’t miss your calling by Me.
Look up and down, left and right what do you see?
God is in the details He made the birds & bees and creatures undersea.
He knows how many hairs on our heads even the wrinkles on our face
Even in our struggles He gives us dear grace.
He made the lame walk, the blind to see & the deaf to hear.
In our hearts He is close so sweet and dear.
In the midst of our busyness, phone calls, facebook, errands, groceries and soccer games
God is in the details: look closely & listen with hearts & arms wide open
His love for you, dear one, will never be the same.
God is in the details, He constantly molds & stretches us
All-knowing and all-powerful is He
There’s no other place I’d rather be
Than in the arms of my Father, Who knows best, His light shines brightly in the darkest place.
God is in the details, don’t give Him space, embrace Him dear one
For He is our Prince of Peace, our comforter, our Love, is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.